Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't let me be the last to know...

Don't tell anyone it was me who pooed in the coolerAlign Center
So I decided what I'm gonna be for Halloween, only 2 people know and I think I will reveal it on Halloween. Of course Jay knows, he knows everything about me...well almost everything. He doesn't know I plan on slapping him in the crotch tomorrow at 6pm. He doesn't read this blog so it does count. I'll give you a hint though, it is pretty trashilious... So I booked my tickies for San Fran. This trip better be the dog's balls or else. I rest all responsibility on my friends on that end! I better be entertained at every single second!

Anyway, I forgot what I was gonna write about... I invented a new diet with my friend Avriel called the Tequila/taco bell diet. We lol-ed all though out class drawing pictures of it. The extreme body makeover involves eating taco bell then binge drinking tequila. I imagined it would be someone collapsed in the shower having diarreah and puking at the same time while having the shower on and a bottle of draino at hand in case the drain gets clogged.

My arm hurts from falling last weekend so I'm gonna quit typing ttyl!

1 comment:

Dan Blustein said...

I might have pooed in something, but it wasn't the cooler.