Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thank you for being a friend

The Golden Girls often tackled topics that were not frequently aired on TV. These included: the coming out of Blanche's brother and his gay marriage, menopause, gun control, impotence, drug addiction, safe sex, Empty nest syndrome, Infidelity, Interracial marriage, racism, homophobia, Organ donation, fixed income, domestic violence, Problem gambling, suicide, cross-dressing, lesbianism, plastic surgery, child abandonment, euthanasia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, pregnancy, homicide, veganism, cocaine addiction, artificial insemination, health care, agoraphobia, homelessness, immigration, sexual harassment, Illegal Immigration, and senility. Perhaps the most controversial episode involved Rose getting tested for HIV years after receiving an untested blood transfusion.

They really ought to use this class to teach a philosophy or college class!!!! I would love it as a freshmen seminar!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


For the record, I was pretty amazed by the documentary tonight. When she said she was sad, I was like wow, I could sort of feel her pain. She went on to describe how things are too controlled and that there was no passion and excitment and that it was like ground hogs day everyday. I think on a level everyone can relate to this, especially with all the responsibility. I also related to her explaining how she chose relationships for the wrong reasons and that when she does love someone she does it with all her heart and wants to be with them all the time...like that's how I feel. I could feel her as well when she said she had seen that cruelty that was bad and she was trying to avoid it. She also went on to describe how she gets certain things easily but the things she truly wants she can never get, like again i could really feel her on this one too. The part where Madonna showed up and started talkin all British and Kabalahey was a treat too. Good ol' Madonna showing us the way.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Have you seen this boy?

He was last seen with little a care in the world. He had a full head of luxurious curly brunette hair and carried around a bag of tricks and laughter. If approached he would tell a Banana joke or tell you that he has a butt. Computer models have aged him as a young man of middling height and build with shorter "less" hair. If approached he is thought to rant about left wing politics and predict doom and apocolypse. Last known where abouts include, UC Berkley Graduate school, and any glory hole in the San Francisco Bay area.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Anyway you slice it finding putrified ground hamburger behind your heater intake vent is pretty gross. I can't imagine how it would get there!??? I feel like someone is trying to poison me! aaaaannnd here it is!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't let me be the last to know...

Don't tell anyone it was me who pooed in the coolerAlign Center
So I decided what I'm gonna be for Halloween, only 2 people know and I think I will reveal it on Halloween. Of course Jay knows, he knows everything about me...well almost everything. He doesn't know I plan on slapping him in the crotch tomorrow at 6pm. He doesn't read this blog so it does count. I'll give you a hint though, it is pretty trashilious... So I booked my tickies for San Fran. This trip better be the dog's balls or else. I rest all responsibility on my friends on that end! I better be entertained at every single second!

Anyway, I forgot what I was gonna write about... I invented a new diet with my friend Avriel called the Tequila/taco bell diet. We lol-ed all though out class drawing pictures of it. The extreme body makeover involves eating taco bell then binge drinking tequila. I imagined it would be someone collapsed in the shower having diarreah and puking at the same time while having the shower on and a bottle of draino at hand in case the drain gets clogged.

My arm hurts from falling last weekend so I'm gonna quit typing ttyl!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Whatever it takes!

Skinhead plot to assasinate Obama foiled by FBI

Well, I had to go to the doctor today, long story short, my treatment hurt like a son of a bitch and I cried on the way home. At least I'm getting better... People think I'm weird when I cry on the street, but I cry alot in public. Men aren't supposed to cry and people in general aren't supposed to cry in public, but I figure hey, some photographer one day is gonna see me crying and snap my picture and it will end up in some time life collection of amazing photographs one day! So tomorrow I will officially book my plane tickets to San Fran. Ann Arbor trip was fun, cept I sat around the end of it doing homework. I really don't do that much homework for Grad school. Those law students at U of M really take it to another level. If I seriously had to work that hard and live in a dorm I would be offing myself faster than you can say Gay Lawyer. My friend Ben Houston is like in a Gay Lawyer club, cept he's not gay. I tripped and fell after we all went to a gay club call Nepcto or whatever the hell it's called. I honestly hate gay clubs and gays for that fact...I mean I am sort of gay but come on people can you really think of more ways to be annoying. I even fell over on my way back to the club, but does anyone help me, YES. My amazing friend Gina comes to my rescue, but all the gays there (and fake lesbian) were screaming like pussies. (Ben Houston was too drunk to notice and later body slamed his roommate's boyfriend) UH OH! Actually I don't hate gays, I think they should give me a tv show then I could truly show my gayness in a positive light to be a beacon of inspiration and an example of how to be a good person for other gays. And of course I would say things like I hate gay people on that show. I would also sit around and drink alot, and talk about when I had Cancer...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New blog, so suck it Ben Connor Barrie, Ben Houston, and Dan Blustein

Most people make blogs to "blog" about their ideals or to be heard in a sea of a billion voices. I made this crappy blog in response to my fame whoring friend's blog. I don't think they would let me contribute to their blog, because I'm not "smart" enough or eloquent enough. Well I say to them read this blog and everything you assumed about me will be revealed as correct! So suck it Ben Connor Barrie, Ben Houston, and Dan Blustein! P.s. visit their blog http://www.grownasspeople.com/ I mean if you like that sort of thing! If you like hearing mundane and banal complaints about life in psychology graduate school, living in Boystown/ Wrigleyville Chicago then read my blog!